- I went to Spain from June 10-25. I spent two weeks traveling around the country with 17 Catholic school girls. Yes, spending that much time with teenage girls was just as annoying as it sounds. But it was good being in Spain again.
- While I was in Spain, there was apparently a little flood around here. Our house was fine, and all of our friends were unaffected as well, which makes us pretty lucky.
- We spent a few days in July on vacation with Colleen's family. Her two sisters flew in and we all went to Lake Geneva, WI.
- Upon return from Wisconsin, Colleen flew to Seattle for the National AP Conference. This not only gave her more time with her sister Erin, but also a surprise visit with Donor and Jenniffer!
- We spent the last weekend in July not only packing for our big move, but heading to Chicago with our friend Wendy for the Neil Diamond concert. He did all the big hits, including "Sweet Caroline", which got two encores on its own right in the middle of the show. For a minute, I thought the rest of the show would just be the chorus of that song over and over again. It was a pretty great show, made even better by the middle-aged man sitting next to Wendy who spent the entire show openly weeping. I wish we would have found out what it was about Neil Diamond that reduced this man to a tearful, slobbering mess.
- At the end of July, we closed on our new house and left our days of renting behind us. We are now all unpacked and looooove the new place! Ben really likes his new room and having lots of space to play in.
- Ben has been having a rough week because he is getting his molars. He seems to be miserable and is having trouble sleeping, but it looks like the teeth are making progress and hopefully it won't be much longer.
- Ben is also on the verge of walking. He took two steps on his own last night, but in general seems content with crawling to get where he wants to go. He does enjoy climbing up the stairs in the new house to get to his room every night at bedtime.
- I have been accepted to the MBA program at the University of Iowa. I am in the Cedar Rapids program, which means I will still teach during the day and go to class two nights a week right here in the Crapids.
- I can't believe school starts again for us next week. The summer has flown by!
- To conclude, here is a gratuitous Ben picture:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Here we go again
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sweet Jesus
- went to Seattle for Spring Break. Yeah, it was great. If you want the rest of the story from below, call me already.
- We spent most of April house hunting. It has been decided that in lieu of the Ph.D. that I had my heart set on, an MBA is my ticket out of teaching high school. So we are sticking around and I am applying to the MBA-PM program at the UI--they do evening classes in Cedar Rapids.
- We found said house the first week of May. It is a townhouse built in 2006 in Marion. 3 bedrooms, all upstairs, 3.5 bathrooms, 2 car attahced garage and finished basement--complete with full bar. We love it and are excited to move in July!
- Ben is now crawling everywhere and pulls himself up to everything. Eight teeth and all kinds of food--sweet potatoes, squash, prunes, pears, peas, peaches, apples, bananas--he looooves bananas. He is getting to be such a big boy.
- I leave for Spain on June 10. My friend Jackie is taking a group from Xavier and needed another chaperone--so I am going! Yippee! I get back on June 25.
- this school year is never going to end. ever. guh.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Seattle--Part Two
We spent the second day at Seattle Center, up to the top of the Space Needle. The first picture is another from Pike Place Market, followed by the Space Needle one.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Seattle--Part One

Ben and I wait for the shuttle bus at O'Hare. We parked at the long-term parking lot, then somehow managed to get on and off the shuttle bus, onto the tram to the terminal and then through security to the gate. Colleen carried the stroller and Ben and I had all four suitcases.

Colleen's sister, Erin, and her boyfriend Dustin met us at the airport in Seattle. We were the first ones in the family to get to meet Dustin, so we took copious notes to share once we returned :)
Our first full day in Seattle was Sunday. We spent the day exploring Pike Place Market, watching the fish throwers and enjoying a cup of coffee from the very first Starbucks ever.
More pictures to come later, including our adventures at the zoo and Ben's first Major League Baseball game!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Five hundred twenty-five thousand...
Oh well, if it isn't good, it won't take much to convince Colleen to head to Chicago for a day this summer to see Wicked again to get my good theater fix.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
6 months already?!
Friday, we went to visit my parents and on Saturday morning, we went to have his picture taken. I was planning on a few pics for family and Ben's scrapbook. But we walked out of the place with a ridiculous amount of pictures. I will post some here below.
Easter Sunday was a nice, quiet day with just the three of us. We went to mass at Saint Patrick's, then came home and had a big Easter dinner. Colleen made ham with a cranberry-bourbon glaze, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, and an angel food Butterfinger dessert. It was awesome.
Next week we are heading to Seattle for Spring Break to visit Colleen's sister. We plan on taking in a Mariner's game and touring the Nintendo facilities, where we are going to get a Wii. Fun, fun, fun!!
Here are the pictures. Go Hawks!

Sunday, February 17, 2008
He loved Carver. He just kept looking around and would get mad when Colleen turned him to face away from the court. He was so tired, but kept fighting sleep. Eventually, he caved in and fell asleep--much like the Hawks
Friday, February 01, 2008
I'm fucking Matt Damon
To Jeff, Wendy, and Jenniffer: yes, this induced the silent laugh.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
R.I.P. Mike the Mouse

Thursday, January 03, 2008
Ben's First Christmas (and Colleen's big 3-0)
Here is a nice picture of us before we went to Midnight Mass:
I am feeling the effects of quite a bit of wine in this picture. I was a bit drunk as we went to mass, as was Colleen's younger sister, Megan.
We really enjoyed spending time with Ben, since we really don't see him during the day while we are at work.
The whole Christmas extravaganza got off to a great start with Colleen's 30th birthday the week before. Her older sister, Erin, flew in from Seattle to surprise her. Of course, I knew about this and arranged for her to be at our house when we got home from work. Colleen was complaining about how uneventful her birthday had been up to that point and when we got to the front door she demanded that I open the door. I told her to do it, since I had my hands full of packages and things from work. As we argued over who was going to open the door, I finally had to give in and admit that I didn't have my keys. At that point, Erin heard us arguing and came to the door--and my rescue. Screaming and general giddiness ensued. We all went out for a nice dinner that night and then came home to enjoy some delicious lemon-raspberry cake from a local bakery, ice cream and champagne. Good times.
There are more posts to come, including the tale of another furry house guest, but for now, I will just post my favorite picture of Ben from over the Christmas break. Happy New Year!